Saturday, 30 June 2012

Bonny Bairn - I LIKEEE!

Usually I do a bit of work - think its ok, then live with it, then hate it, then hide it!! Blaydon races being one - I'm sick of the sight of that piece of work now!  Anyway I did this a few weeks ago and its now been printed ready to hit the shops next week.  I've had it on my pin board in my office and guess what??  I still like it!! (the subject matter doesn't mean I want another child - its purely from a design point of view!!)

Monday, 25 June 2012

Rock Challenge Tshirt

I got asked to design a t-shirt design for my sons school for a rock challenge - which is a dance challenge - the theme was world dance!! So here it is.  The irony of this piece of work is my son wasn't even involved!! Sometimes you have to keep what you do to yourself otherwise you get loads of additional work!!  I have never let it be known I'm good at sewing and make sure any costumes for fancy dress are a bit naff!!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Old Christmas Book from my childhood

As its been Christmas here for a while (been doing Christmas designs for last 6 weeks now), I felt all festive and went on the hunt for a book I used to own when I was a child.  I found it in American on Amazon and ordered it and it arrived today. Its smaller than I remember but the illustrations are amazing in it and it takes me right back.  Love the way the text flows on the front cover.  Ahhh just need a glass of mulled wine now.....

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

House and Home!

I've got this thing about drawing houses at the moment.  Got to find a piece of work where I can wedge some houses in somewhere!  This is a card I did in our Canny good range, it didn't quite satisfy the need..... houses houses more houses needed.