Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Christmas again and again and again

Christmas Card North East City Scape by Wotmalike

Christmas Card Newcastle and Gateshead Quays City Scape by Wotmalike

Christmas Card Liverpool City Scape by Wotmalike

Christmas Card Yorkshire North City Scape by Wotmalike

City Scape Manchester Christmas Card  by Wotmalike
Christmas Card Yorkshire South City Scape by Wotmalike
OMG Its the season to be mental.  Did these designs in June and now they've hit the shops. We also have baubles to match all of these designs and sales are booming! Love the City Scape range and its being used on more and more products under license now too!  We have had meetings with some big Department stores regarding the new range of national products coming out in the New Year.  Its all exciting time still loads to do though and Christmas is just getting in the way!