Christmas 2018!
Blimey I'm 'rubbish at this blogging malarky!! Sozz no posts for age.
I've been working on our Christmas designs since May 2018 so showing this work feels weird - like a baby bird flying the nest. I went for a simple but stylish design and put all the emphasis into the qualilty. Everything has been BRITISH sourced - card, the print, the envelope and of course designed by us at Wotmalike HQ in Hampshire. The card is top quality, the gold envelopes add a touch of luxury - not to mention the shiny gold foil embossed print rich colours just finish them off. Add our highly successful POSH bit and we've got a winner. We are supplying shops from Inverness to the Isle of Wight and selling in 6 countries so very happy with how 2018 has gone for us as a business.